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Green Minded Meeting / 28 January 2022

Another meeting of Nordplus project “Green Minded” partners took place today 🥳During the meeting, we discussed the completion of the preparation of educational materials and the e-learning platform and the

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Green Minded Dissemination at Event “Green Solutions and Sustainable Community”

Nordplus project “Green Minded” was presented by Lithuanian partner Knowledge Code during the event “Green Solutions and Sustainable Community”. The event was held within the framework of the Erasmus+ Adult

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Green Minded Dissemination at multiplier event of Erasmus+ project “4E”

Nordplus project “Green Minded” was presented during the multiplier event of Erasmus+ project “4E” by Lithuanian partner Knowledge Code.

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Green Minded Meeting in Lithuania

6-7 August 2021, the first live meeting of the Nordplus project “Green Minded” took place in Vilnius! 🤩Project partners from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia came to the meeting. During it,

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Green Minded Meeting / 6 June 2021

Green Minded project funded by NordPlus Adult Programme has started with an online meeting.

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